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BitBoxBase Supervisor

Every running system needs to be managed. On a services level, this is the job of systemd which starts application services in the right order and restarts them on failure. On top of this default service management, the BitBoxBase Supervisor (bbbsupervisor) monitors the system using custom logic for the many intricacies of the various application components. It follows application logs and checks system metrics in Prometheus, detects predefined events and when changes to the system become necessary, and is then able to trigger custom actions.

Technical documentation

See Docs on GitHub


System / Monitor Action to take Comment OK
disk space full: check Prometheus metrics against threshold Compact log files, user warning Disk space ok for 5+ years
ramdisk full: check Prometheus metric restart device active logrotate should prevent that
swap file: periodically check swapon -s recreate swap file critical on new ssd setup, no issues expected after
System temperature too high none, part of bbbfancontrol  
auth to bitcoind fails: GetBlockChainInfo rpc call failed restart bbbmiddleware.service bitcoin .cookie auth out of sync
log Failed to start c-lightning daemon. and ‘restart counter’ over threshold. user warning OK during Bitcoin IBD
change in “initial blockchain download” flag update bitcoin:ibd in Redis other services check if IBD is finished
-“- change dbcache to either 2000 (during IBD) or 300 MB speed up IBD, free up memory otherwise
log No space left on device user warning, SSD full Disk space ok for 5+ years
log Failed to start Bitcoin daemon. and ‘restart counter’ over threshold. user warning OK during Bitcoin IBD
channel backup recurring (not possible yet)  
log Failed to start c-lightning daemon. and ‘restart counter’ over threshold. user warning OK during Bitcoin IBD
log finished full compaction restart electrs.service free memory after initial indexing
auth to bitcoind fails: log reconnecting to bitcoind: no reply from daemon restart electrs.service to update auth info bitcoin .cookie auth out of sync
log Failed to start Electrs server daemon. and ‘restart counter’ over threshold. user warning OK during Bitcoin IBD