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It’s important to keep the BitBoxBase in a consistently configured state. Here we describe how to control the configuration during operations, how to store and backup the it and manage it remotely from the BitBoxApp. manage configuration during operations

System configuration is managed internally using the script Its goal is to centrally define how changes are applied to the system and reuse a single set of commands. This is why it is called by the build script as well as by the BitBoxBase Middleware during operations. Changes are applied by simple operating system commands like copying and deleting files, or replacing text values withing configuration files. It also takes care of writing the changes into the read-only rootfs when necessary.

The script can also be used directly from the command line, requiring sudo privileges. Call the script --help to see all possible commands and arguments:

BitBoxBase: system configuration utility
usage: [--version] [--help]
                     <command> [<args>]

assumes Redis database running to be used with 'redis-cli'

possible commands:
  enable    <bitcoin_services|bitcoin_incoming|bitcoin_ibd|bitcoin_ibd_clearnet|dashboard_hdmi|

  disable   any 'enable' argument

  set       <hostname|loginpw|wifi_ssid|wifi_pw>
            bitcoin_network         <mainnet|testnet>
            bitcoin_dbcache         int (MB)
            other arguments         string execution of standard commands

Similar to the configuration script, the script acts as the central repository for standard commands, to be called from the Middleware. Or run it from the commandline with sudo.

BitBoxBase: system commands repository
usage: [--version] [--help] <command>

possible commands:
  setup         <datadir>
  bitcoind      <reindex|resync|refresh_rpcauth>
  flashdrive    <check|mount|unmount>
  backup        <sysconfig|hsm_secret>
  restore       <sysconfig|hsm_secret>
  reset         <auth|config|image|ssd>
  mender-update <install|commit>

Redis: storage of configuration values

The Redis key/value datastore is used to manage configuration data. It can be queried from all software components, be it from the command line, Bash, Python or Go with minimal overhead.

  • from the terminal, Redis can be used with its command-line utility redis-cli
  • for usage within bash scripts, the necessary helper function are sourced from the include
  • Go applications use the Redigo client
  • Python uses redis-py

During build, the factory settings are imported from armbian/base/config/redis/factorysettings.txt using the Redis mass insertion protocol using the helper script armbian/base/scripts/

The Redis data is dumped frequently and on demand to /data/redis/bitboxbase.rdb, from where it can be backed up or restored.

Configuration values are stored in keys, like the following examples. For a full reference of used keys, refer to factorysettings.txt.

base:hostname         bitbox-base
tor:base:enabled      1
bitcoind:network      mainnet
electrs:db_dir        /mnt/ssd/electrs/db

bbbconfgen: Updating of configuration files

While the Middleware and some scripts query Redis directly, most keys need to be written into configuration files to take effect. Configuration files are created dynamically using bbbconfgen, with the templates located in armbian/base/config/templates/:

This application parses a template, populates it with the corresponding Redis values, and stores it to the system (even into the read-only filesystem, if applicable).

  • during build, the bash function generateConfig() is used within the Armbian customizing script.
  • in regular operation, changes to Redis values and the regeneration of config files are typically executed through the or scripts.

To keep the configuration scripts consistent, the bash function generateConfig() is sourced from the include file

If bbbconfgen is run from the commandline and overlay root filesystem is enabled, you need to make sure that the configuration file is not only written into the tmpfs overlay. Either disable overlayrootfs (and reboot first), or use the application within overlayroot-chroot.

BitBoxApp: user interface

Ultimately, the configuration is managed by the user through the BitBoxApp, that talks to the Middleware which in turn calls either the or script with the necessary arguments.

The App provides a convenient backup feature to save the whole system configuration directly to a USB stick plugged into the Base.

See the section User Interface for more details.