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Middleware: Configuration

Command line interface parameters

Running bbbmiddleware -h prints the configuration options for the Middleware on the command line.

Note: The argument list below was last updated in December 2019.

-bbbcmdscript string
    Path to the script that allows executing system commands (default "/opt/shift/scripts/")
-bbbconfigscript string
    Path to the script that allows setting system configuration (default "/opt/shift/scripts/")
-bbbsystemctlscript string
    Path to the script that allows starting and stopping services on the Base (default "/opt/shift/scripts/")
-datadir string
    Directory where the Middleware persistent data, like for example the noise encryption keys, is stored (default ".base")
-electrsport string
    Electrs RPC port (default "51002")
-hsmfirmwarefile string
    Location of the signed HSM firmware binary (default "/opt/shift/hsm/firmware-bitboxbase.signed.bin")
-hsmserialport string
    Serial port used to communicate with the HSM (default "/dev/ttyS0")
-middlewareport string
    Port the Middleware listens on (default "8845")
-network string
    Indicate wether Bitcoin is running on mainnet or testnet (default "testnet")
-notificationNamedPipePath string
    Path where the Middleware creates a named pipe to receive notifications from other processes on the BitBoxBase (default "/tmp/middleware-notification.pipe")
-prometheusurl string
    URL of the Prometheus server (default "http://localhost:9090")
    Flag to use the Redis mock for development instead of connecting to a redis server
-redisport string
    Port of the Redis server (default "6379")
    Set to true to force HSM firmware update
-updateinfourl string
    URL to query information about Base image updates from (default "")

Changing the Middleware systemd file


  • config in systemd unit (via env variables / config template in /etc/bbbmiddleware)